UNITE 2010

Dear members of Carl Orff Canada:

I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us in Winnipeg from April 29th to May 2, 2010 for the 21st National Conference of Carl Orff Canada. The historic Hotel Fort Garry will be the setting for this exciting event featuring a stellar slate of Canadian and International Orff Clinicians including Steven Calantropio, Jo Ella Hug, Sofia Lopez-Ibor, Manuela Widmer, Lucie Allyson, Marcelline Moody and Ruth Wiwchar. UNITE 2010 will present a full compliment of sessions in French.

As well as an inspiring array of Orff performances from across the country, you will enjoy a taste of the rich musical culture of Manitoba with performances by the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, University of Manitoba Jazz Faculty, Prairie Voices, Pembina Trails Voices, and more!

So mark this weekend on your calendar and plan to join us in Winnipeg
for what promises to be a most memorable conference! We look forward
to seeing you there!

For full details and registration information visit: www.unite2010.ca

Joan Linklater, president
Carl Orff Canada