President's Message

Here we beginning another year. With the increasing demands on our time, a Music teacher hardly has time to think, much less find opportunities for professional growth. The executive of the Orff Chapter is here to help!

We were very pleased with the enthusiastic responses from the Delelles and Kriske workshop at SMC in early November. This joint venture was a new concept, and we look forward to hearing more about your thoughts through the survey you will find in this newsletter.

Also, an African folk tale was presented by the very able Patrick Kelly, Richard Dube and Sheryl Salen at Children’s Day in Saskatoon in March; it was a very enjoyable day. We are planning an encore of this day in Regina next March, open to students in grades 4, 5 and 6. Our Spring Fling was held in Regina on May 12 with the very interesting Didjeri-dude, Dr. Hal Kacanek. This workshop was very informative and cross-curricular, with ties to other subject areas such as Science, and all participants went home with very interesting ideas for homemade instruments!

The Sask. Orff Chapter executive is anxious to provide you with valuable PD opportunities: please take the time to complete the included survey so that we may meet your needs more efficiently. We are doing our best to communicate the business and events of the chapter, and are continuing to do so in email format; please be patient with the glitches that always occur with technology, and feel free to pass on suggestions for improvement to any member of our executive.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed your summer and come back in the fall renewed and rejuvenated to provide one of the most important parts of our students’ educational experience: Music class!

Shelly Mooney